Wednesday, October 21, 2009

3rd Quarter Post 2009

Man... I swear my intentions are to post more often... but I guess I suck at that. I will now redefine my posting schedule to officially state that it will happen quarterly , whether you like it or not (that means every 3 months for the vocab challenged)! I actually impressed myself with how spot on this post is for hitting that new quarterly goal.. damn, I'm better than I thought! HA!

So... here's the update on what's been going down in Austin for the last 3 months!

Late Summer/Early Fall2009

I know this is blurry, but they were cracking me up watching Sesame Street together in the basket with their babies.

Here's Maya at Bowie Cheer Camp. She loved it, this is her second year going. I've got a little video that I might tool around with & see if I can post. She made Mommy proud!

Here is Maya & Luke, our neighbor & Maya's 1st Grade boyfriend extraordinaire!!

Maya went to an "away" camp for an entire week with Auntie Tracie!!! She got done with Cheer Camp on Fri & left for the next camp on Saturday..... as you can clearly see, it was all fun & games!! Yay summer! I think they were having a water fight. A. Tracie was cool enough to snap a few pix with her phone that came out pretty damn good!

Shaving cream fight & a cute pic with her camp BFF Taqueria.

The Equestrian.

Hey good lookin... whatcha got cookin? LOLA STEW!

Off to Lake Austin!!!! Cody & I had a super fun day with Vito, Janah & Brittney. We will definitely be doing more of that kind of relaxing on the lake next summer!!!

The Pennybacker Bridge AKA the 360 bridge. This is my favorite Austin-y thing!!

There's more floating crap in the pool than people!

Maya & Nico

My cutie girls on the floor. I guess it's sideways, but you get the idea!

The 3 monkeys after the bounce house adventure. Lo looks over it!

Maya Marie, our big 2nd Grader on her first day of school!

Check that static out!!

On the front porch... a rare pic with both smiling & looking at the camera...

Taking a sniff, although I'm quite sure she was blowing out her nose.

Rainy Day Fun.

Maya & Avery cruisin the Barbie Mustang in the culdesac.

Jockeying for position on the playscape in our backyard! We had Nico for about a week & these were a few pix of the kids playing.

These 2 wanted to go back out!

Our clothing optional playland... you have got to know that seeing all this crap on the floor makes me seriously anxious... BUT, you do what ya gotta do to keep em happy! Those 2 hour naps make it all go away!

Maya the cheeto walrus.

Papa & Nico at Salt Lick. Seriously, folks, please take note, the shirts almost match exactly. I'm feeling like a pineapple all of a sudden!

BOB THE BUILDER.... YES WE CAN! And dude, he really meant it!

Maya & Eavan at Eavan's princess birthday party.

We went to a local elementary school carnival with the kiddos & they had a blast. Here's the big wheel races & Maya was gonzo & Nico wasn't having it!

He clearly wanted to wave the checkered flag for the other racers!!

These are pix of the Jigglebug Express. This dude drives a tractor around pulling these cutout drums & the kids go batty. I'd say Auntie Janah was not disappointed either!

OMG, a police helicopter landed right on campus at the carnival. BIG TIME BABY!

For some reason, Lola is revolting against holding herself up in this stroller, she'll rock the jogger, but will only go to the lounge position in this one, regardless of the fact that the seat is all the way up.

Free from that damn stroller!

The bunnies at the petting corral were a huge hit. Maya even picked one up.... we're moving on up!!

Papa Tony making homeade pasta. Cody even made a custom drying rack!

Let's go Buffalo!

The upside-down princess.... hope this isn't some type of foreshadowing.

Ride em cowboy!

Lola is definitely much more into things than Maya ever was. She climbed up on the bench in the hall & proceeded to empty my whole purse out, then went to work on the wallet & was making it rain with money when I turned the corner... I know I'm in trouble! She's got a silly personality & knows how to throw it out there when she's been caught!

And to wrap it up... .she is half Del Gatto folks, here is the proof!