Friday, March 28, 2008

Hippity Hoppy Easter

Easter was good fun for the whole family. We had a great brunch & a super duper egg hunt in the cul-de-sac. There were around 13 kids & well over 200 eggs hidden. Definitely to become an annual event in the Cove. Hopefully everyone had a great day. Thanks to everyone who got the girls gifts, they loved 'em all!!

So there ya have it!! I'll try to get some 3 mos pix of Lola up soon & hope to get some good shots of the Big Crawfish Boil tomorrow!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Lola havin fun on the floor!

Hi Everyone,

Well, I'm jumpin on the bandwagon & giving the blog a try. I think this might be an easy way to see little videos & pix of the girls, along with stories. It's worth a shot!!

So Lola is almost 3 mos old, if you can believe it & I'm hoping to get some nice pix before the end of the week. She's really getting big & super smiley. I'm going to try to post a little video of her playing on the butterfly. She maneuvered her head right underneath that toy & just cooed & giggled her little butt off, then she figured out she could kick the other toys & it was all smiles again. She hung out for a good 10 minutes, then took a big poop & got mad.

So let me know if you saw it & if it worked, then I'll try to keep up with it.

So there you have it. My first post. I guess this is kinda a cool online diary for the girls... we'll see how it all goes!!