Wednesday, September 24, 2008

End of Summer/Beginning of Fall

Hi Y'all!!

Well school has finally started, our big girl is in 1st grade. We are lucky, she loves school... so far! She's still a reading fool & has moved onto the Magic Treehouse series of books. She's started taking a Hip Hop dance class & it seems to be leaving a bigger impression than ballet & tap. It's fun to watch her have a sassy attitude & shake her thang with the other 6-8 year olds. No doubt the recital next May will be memorable.

Miss Lola is almost 9 mos old!!! Ugh, which means the first bday is around the corner.... too fast dammit! The giggles & smiles are more free & easy. She is our little lover, head on the shoulder & neck squeezes. If you scratch her back... it's all over. She's also silly & she knows it, shaking her head for giggles & jumping crazy, but making sure you are watching. I think we've also got a clever little one on our hands, too. If you are holding her in your lap & she's standing, she'll put her head to the side, like she wants to put it on your shoulder... of course you can't resist that... then she'll bite the living crap out of your neck or shoulder! Those seven little vampire teeth HURT! So, we're getting pretty quick at shoving a teething ring in her face. Lola is following in her big sister's footsteps & is absolutely refusing to eat any vegetables, we were off to such a good start, but we'll continue to sneak the veggies in pears & peaches, while we can!. Let's just say that the looks aren't the only thing inherited from her Daddy, the temper doesn't fall far from the tree! That kid can get pissed. It's actually pretty funny to watch, poor baby!

Cody's 20 year high school reunion was supposed to be next weekend in Galveston, but the damn hotel got washed out by Ike... the nerve! So we will host Jamey & Lisa from Kentucky for the weekend, which will be fun, for sure.

Football season has started : GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!! 3-0 Maybe the Texans will finally have a winning season, I said maybe (0-2).

Anyhow, Halloween is coming, which is a great time around here. We love the scary decorations & of course the cooler weather. Hope everyone is great!!

Here's the pix from the month:

Daddy & his girls. It's comedy how Lola thinks being on his shoulders is so funny, she just smiles & giggles & grabs onto hair for dear life.

First Day of First Grade... Make note of the "I Love You" that Maya sent out to everyone!

Lola at 8 1/2 mos. Look at those cheeks!

Looking up at her Big Sis.

Lola enjoying some sticky Puffs.

Hey Man.... what's in those Puffs?

This kid loves her some Ritz crackers!

Just our happy girl!

And a miracle shot of ALL the neighborhood kids SITTING down & watching a movie. Please try to zoom in on Thomas (front right) & his sassy cape & Cinderella shoes. Also, what's up with Elmo down there?