Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's Fall!!!

What's up y'all? It has finally cooled off in good old ATX. Hell, a cold front actually blew in tonight & it's going to be 73 degrees tomorrow!!

So the girls have been busy with princess parties, festivals, school for Maya, hip hop class & the intense business of learning tricks for Lola. It's been fun, to say the least.

We're gearing up for Halloween & a whirlwind visit from Crissy & Sammi!!! Trick or treating is going to be a blast.
Especially because that crazy Sam doesn't like candy..... it's all for us, cuz we need it right!! I think I'll go as Crissy & break my foot & make her push me around the block in a wheelchair!

Maya is going to start Brownies, but that is the limit of activities for this year... ya gotta leave some time to play!! She is doing great in school & we just found out that she is in the highest reading group, so we're down with that!

Lola is busy not learning any of the tricks that I am desperately trying to teach her so that I have some news worthy video to post! She loves to sit & play with her toys, jump in her jumperoo, stand in your lap & go for walks with Mommy. She could give a crap about waving, clapping, doing funny face or even crawling. I love it, she is on her own schedule & laughing & smiling the whole way!! She's eating solid foods, now pretty regularly & I think bananas & pears are her favorites. Well, not better than crackers, it's all about the crackers...much like her cuz Nico.

So here are some pix of the stuff:

Miss Lola looking cute hanging on the bed!

Later that day, hangin with Daddy after he got home from work.

Maya, I mean Tinkerbell, in her glory at Eavan's Princess bday party.
Arial stopped by to read stories & paint up their faces.

A good shot of the teef... she's trying on her monkey ears!

A teeny tiny little bitty ponytail!!!!! Our first one @ 9 1/2 mos!

Here's Maya at the carnival with HEBuddy. Don't know what it is about this walking bag of groceries, but she loves him??? That's a big piece of meat in his sack.

The Jigglebug Express. This dude drives a riding mower/tractor & tows these cut out 50 gallon drums... like 15 of them. He totally jams all over the carnival, up & down grass hills, wraps them up in a coil then guns it, giving them mini whiplash. It's so awesome & really what a job this guy's got?

Hey, Lola liked the carnival too.
Here she is having fun on the stroller ride.

Come on.... look at those cheeks!

And this one, too... just too cute, look at those dimples!
This is her 1st Grade pic.

Maybe I'm biased, but geez, these are some damn good looking kids!

OK, I'll try to get a good post up after the Halloween festivities. Take care, y'all!