Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Halloweenie!

Hey Gang, Halloween has come & gone... I'm pretty sure even the candy is gone! Anyhoo, here are a few pix of Maya, Sammi & Lola. We totally had fun with Sammi, even if it was only for a couple days. The girls are as close as sisters & carry on together like they are never apart. They had a blast trick or treating. Lola was Curious George, Sammi was a classic Daphne from Scooby Doo & Maya was Ariel at the start of the night until her OCD kicked in because her mermaid tail was "tickling the tops of my feetsies" So we had a meltdown, then a costume change to Tinkerbell (thank God for the dress up box) & we were off. Both were complaining their bags were too heavy by the end of the night. Success!

OH!!! We're super stoked to know that Auntie Crissy is knocked up & expecting in the middle of June. YAY!! Which reminds me... I need to make that appointment for Cody.....

Here's Miss Lola chillin with the pumpkins.

The night Sammi came into town. They stayed up so late chit chatting, then crashed.. HARD!

The Girlies. Sammi came to Maya's school & we all had lunch together. It was fun!

Lola on Halloween... getting a manicure by Auntie Crissy.

Curious George.

The Girls in the graveyard

Sammi posed this way EVERY time we got the camera out!!

Ready to hit the Loop!!

The Georges & Mommy & Daddy's trick or treat bag.