Monday, January 19, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009!

I'm feeling OK cuz I managed to get this post up within a month of the actual event!!! So Christmas was pretty great around here, the girls had a successful haul & The Del Gatto's were here to join in the celebration! All in all, no complaints, whatsoever!

Here is the old homestead, decked out Griswold style
(no the house in not on fire!)

And, the effort paid off as we won FIRST PLACE in the neighborhood contest!

The second week of December we had a rare snow show!!
It started about midnight, but we woke Maya up since she is
always begging for snow. She wasn't too happy about it at first,
but after coming inside & we all went to bed... she came back
down & into our room asking to go out again.... maybe next year!!

Well, I flaked on Christmas cards this year, the first time
in a long time... but hell, it happens to the best of us!
I did manage to get the pix for the cards, so enjoy!

Aaaaah, Sisko. He's trying to kill me! Old boy is almost 16
& is starting to show his age. He still manages to bark for
hours on end, if you let him... Still a pain in the ass!

We were over at Nana & Papa's.. Nico & Lola were looking
like they got caught in the middle of a sneaky plan!

Later that night, the girls being silly on the floor!

Christmas Eve... looks like these 2 are plotting again!

Here is Santa on Christmas Eve at our neighbor's house!!
It's a great time for the kids cuz Santa knows everyone's names
there are no lines & he knows what they want for Christmas!

Look very closely & see if you recognize Santa!!

Lola was pretty cool with the whole thing.

Maya has conquered her fear as well... & we got another
year with Santa under our belts.

Our boy, Nico wasn't too sure.....

That'll be a NO!

Santa & the Armand girls... pretty damn cute!

Lola with her cute little face!!

Santa has left the building!! It was pretty

The long walk back down the street.

Christmas morning!!

Lola's "big" wheel.

Maya & her princess art kit.

Lola & her Little People

Oooooh, our big girl trying her roller blades!

And... the rock star!!

The girls on Lola's 1st Bday..
on our way to Salt Lick!

The Birthday Girl at Salt Lick.

Nico loves him some peanut butter crackers!

Birthday Hat... not so much!!

I guess Lola thinks Nico is a good boy!

Oh.. here's Lola in her wheels... this one is gonna
be a handful. She is desperate to get in those
cabinets, but the bumper won't let her in. Hopefully
they will have lost their appeal by the time she's on
her own... she's in no real hurry, though & neither are we!!

So there you have it... Christmas in a nutshell. I've got pix from Lola's Birthday Party that I will try to post tomorrow. Then we'll move on to the Sullilvan visit, Super Bowl (The Gabli's are visiting) then Maya's 7th (:O) birthday.... and so on! It's always a party in our house.. come on by anytime!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!!

Hey Y'all..... yes I'm posting a month & a half late.. but what the hell, at least it's on record right? We had a great Thanksgiving with the Powell/Anderson Family. Lots of absolutely delicious food... 2 turkeys (1 roasted & 1 fried) & about 15 sides. No one left hungry, that's for damn sure! Cody's Nana was able to make it, so that was nice, as well. All in all, a super duper turkey day!!

Here's Maya making pizzelles with Nana & Papa!
I can tell you more flour got on Maya & the floor than
in the pizzelles.

Lola & Paw Paw on T-Day! Lola is
not as picky as her sister & loved stuffing &

Nana, MiMi & Lola waving "Hi".

Get a load of this trio after invading the Dress-Up box!
Dower, Maya & Eavan... for the record Dower said he was a
"Super Cheerleader". Definitely not a princess!

We went to the Chuy's Children Helping Children Parade the Saturday
after Thanksgiving. The kids had a ball. You bring an unwrapped toy,
then at certain points during the parade a big truck stops in front of you &
the kids run up & put it in the truck... very very exciting!!

Here's Lola at the parade.

Maya & Daddy ready to run to the truck.. then joining the parade, of course!

And the star in Maya's eyes...... the Hello Kitty balloon.

A little video of Miss Lola & her first real "trick".
She learned from her big sis, no doubt!!