Friday, April 17, 2009

Hey Folks............ we are still here & are doing fine!! Apparently my monthly blogs get posted quarterly, so that's just the way the blogger blogs in this house! We had Maya's 7th birthday in February, some fun backyard times cuz the weather has been awesome & even squeezed Easter in this past weekend.

Maya is getting so big & enjoying school still. She got her latest report card with all 4's (A's) & just one 3 in art, so we're pretty proud of her & her efforts. She's been working hard on her behavior & really improved some things that were driving us nuts. We had a chart for her that she had to fill up with stickers as she accomplished her goals & was able to earn a new car (which was part bday gift, too!) There are pix below.

Lola is almost 16 mos old now. Getting bigger & bigger by the day. She's finally crawling, but doesn't quite have the confidence to let go & walk on her own... still no hurry on my part, so it's all good. She's a good little eater & LOVES bananas & sauteed mushrooms of all things... (not together) She's definitely getting her sense of humor & likes to be silly. She loves loves loves her big sis "Yaya" & will follow her anywhere she can get to.

Cody's a workin fool, but he's just trying to get it done for the family, so that's all good. We wish we could see him more, but we're calling this an investment time so he can get to that sweet schedule in the future. It's hard running 7 stores with another in the wings. Brother needs a break, that's for sure.

Coming up next Friday, April 24.... the big 10 year anniversary for us. HOLY CRAP, we are both still alive with no visible scars, so that's good. 2 kids & several miles (both literally & figuratively) later, we're still holding strong with no real plans to off the other! ;) Seriously, though, there is no where I'd rather be than right here in Austin with this dude!!

So, bear with the excessive pix. Hope all is well with y'all & I swear I'm gonna try to do better at updating... take that for what you will, but I really really mean it!!

Miss Lola on her pony, trying on Maya's luxurious pink fur stole.

Maya totally fell asleep on her blow up bed in the living room.
Don't' want to miss anything... like her mama! Cody dragged her through the hall & into our room & she crashed there the whole night!

UGH, 7. Can't believe it.

Maya & Lola with her sassy Beatles 'do.

Maya & her girlfriends at her slumber party. She passed on the big class party so she could get a new car instead. Which was totally cool with us... one big fun toy or a bunch of little messy
things.... Pink Mustang = win win.

The girls enjoying a nightcap.

A couple of happy gals.

Lola & Nico having a delicious meal of food. I'd like to say that it was breakfast cuz they are in their jammies, but I'll bet $100 it was a lazy lunch!

Lo with her hood up, Gangsta style.

OK, back to our sweetness! Bangs a beggin for some love!!

The best big sis ever!!

YAY!!!!!!!!! Auntie Tracie spells relief

Lola with her cutie scrinchy nose... while Elmo serenades her.

Le Royal California Cove egg hunt!

Nico already visualizing all the eggs he's gonna pillage from Lola's basket.

Maya just saw her "boyfriend" Luke pull up. For the record, this is her title for him, he has no idea that he has a "girlfriend".

Lola on her pony/crutch, she tore up the culdesac on that thing... one day she'll dismount & walk on her own.

Mimi & PawPaw rescuing the equestrian from the grass.

One final check for eggs left over.

Maya unloading her eggs.

The tired pose. Please note the relaxed crossed legs.

Maya in her new ride.

Ready to take Lola for a spin, do you think she'll dig it?

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm.... NO

Gonna give the old pool a try this year.. last year she didn't really dig it.
How cute is that suit? Thanx AJ.

Well, this is the furthest she's been in without tears!

SUCCESS! Splashing & a playin... good times!

Thanks for reading this lengthy post. Come visit. Oh San Diego folks, we'll be there in June for the Holy Arrival of Baby Boy Sullivan.... is the world ready? I know Crissy is ready to be empty, girl I feel ya!