Friday, July 17, 2009

San Diego Trip Summer 2009

Hey Peeps.... it's my quarterly update (I'm throwin in the towel... monthly just ain't happening!) Maya finished the school year with straight A's!! We're pretty proud of that! Lola FINALLY started walking the end of May... just 16 mos old (she's 18 mos right now)... we can't catch her, which is exactly why I was not rushing it! Summer has been fun so far & we are doing our best to keep busy, while keeping cool. God bless the pool in the backyard!!! So, dig on the pix, I really do think I'll get some other pix up from the summer. We've been pretty busy.. you know, there's a lot of days to entertain these crazy girlies!

We spent 2 weeks in San Diego, just in time to welcome Nathan Andrew to the family, little guy doesn't stand a chance with these other4 monkeys! It was great to hang out & just chill together. Maya & Sammi really had fun, they are like sisters, it's so cute. We managed to get a lot done while we were there... along with some well needed down time.

Enjoy the pix, there's a lot...

The night we got in was Nico's 2nd birthday, so we went to the Boardwalk for pizza, some rides & jumpee fun. They really had a good time.

Getting all these kids to look & smile at the same time is impossible!

Lola balked at the carousel, then we couldn't get her off.

Clearly Nico was digging it!

The hams....

Uncle Ryan with the little ones.

Nate on his first day home!

These girls were loving the Elmo videos. Lola is absolutely obsessed with that red monster!

Nathan Andrew Sullivan

Lola giving the new baby in the family a little kiss.

We took the girls to Viejas to play in the interactive fountains, Maya was protecting Sam, who was a little freaked out for some reason.

Lola, hanging on the toddler friendly side of the yard.

Well, here's all 5 Del Gatto grandkids.... take it for what it is.. .a picture of all 5 grandkids.. not exactly frame worthy, but hell, they are all together & sort of looking at the camera.

Took the girls to Boomers one day to ride the go-karts & play some skee-ball.

Nico's Birthday Party

Lola absolutely loved this balloon, she carried it around for about 30 minutes!

Nico, getting his giggle on...

The babes & the balloon...

At the zoo... now if Nate was just sitting next to Nico, we'd be set..

The hams in "the jungle".

Lo loved the flamingos.

Don't eat me you big (fake) cat.

Going to the zoo is rough work!

Lola loved petting the "puppy".

So there you have it, 2 weeks in SD in a nutshell. There is plenty more to follow from the summer. Maya still has cheer camp next week & Camp Allen, a stay away camp, the week after. And there are still 3 weeks of summer left after that... phew... yay 2nd grade!