Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Maya CAN Swim!!!!

Today was day 2 of swim lessons which are being taught to all the neighborhood kids in our pool. I can't express how impressed I am with the progress that has been made in just 2 - 20 minute sessions. The instructor "Coach Gwen" is literally the swim whisperer. It is truly amazing, her no nonsense, one on one approach is brilliant. Yesterday, Maya did put her face in (not before some heavy negotiations to keep it out) & took some strokes, but she was not loving the whole process. In fact she said "I wish no one would have ever invented swimming pools." Then she asked if we could return it. Today, she said "I am going to be on the swim team at the Circle C Swim Center" & "I love my pool as much as Softy" You have to see it to believe it, so here's proof.

By the end of today's session she was swimming across the pool, while taking a breath. I may have to post on Friday so everyone can see her total progress. What a difference, she was begging me to video her to make sure we put it on the blog for everyone to see. We're so proud!!!!! Now if we could just get her on her bike......

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