Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Holy Gorgeous Day Batman... we had an awesome Mother's Day here in the ATX. All the Grandma's made an appearance, even Nana, Cody's Grandma. All the neighbors & family decended on the Armand backyard for a rockin BBQ & swim-tastic fun. Here's a few pix of the kids & some others enjoying the fun. Cody grilled it up like a champ & kept all the ladies' cups full of frothy margaritas. Good times were had by all, just wish all the out of towners got to join in.

Porter, Nick, Harrison, Maya, Sarina
Dower & Thomas...
Lola, Abby & Eavan were apparently busy..

Candy keeping the kids in line while they eat their 'dogs.

All the swimmin fools.

Rick (Aleshia's Dad) acting as a human buoy.

Nana, Lola & Mimi

The man with the plan working his magic!


Well, there's no doubt spring has sprung around here. The weather has been gorgeous & we're having fun outside in the backyard... getting as much in before it gets blazing hot. Luckily the pool is crystal clear & hangs at 83 degrees. Maya is still swimming like a fool, jumping off the rocks & everything. She's got a couple weeks of school left, then she'll officially be a first grader...!!!!!!
Miss Lola is getting so big. She's 4 1/2 mos old & starting to go from fragile baby to sturdy infant. We tried rice cereal a couple days ago, sitting in the Bumbo seat like a big girl. It was a race to get the spoon in her open mouth before she plunged her thumb in there. She's starting to get the hang of it & really making progress. She also gave the Jumperoo a whirl, she hasn't quite got the jumping down yet, but she maneuvers from foot to foot, like she's marching & is figuring out the toys. She's totally digging being upright & part of the crowd.