Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Holy Gorgeous Day Batman... we had an awesome Mother's Day here in the ATX. All the Grandma's made an appearance, even Nana, Cody's Grandma. All the neighbors & family decended on the Armand backyard for a rockin BBQ & swim-tastic fun. Here's a few pix of the kids & some others enjoying the fun. Cody grilled it up like a champ & kept all the ladies' cups full of frothy margaritas. Good times were had by all, just wish all the out of towners got to join in.

Porter, Nick, Harrison, Maya, Sarina
Dower & Thomas...
Lola, Abby & Eavan were apparently busy..

Candy keeping the kids in line while they eat their 'dogs.

All the swimmin fools.

Rick (Aleshia's Dad) acting as a human buoy.

Nana, Lola & Mimi

The man with the plan working his magic!

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