Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well, there's no doubt spring has sprung around here. The weather has been gorgeous & we're having fun outside in the backyard... getting as much in before it gets blazing hot. Luckily the pool is crystal clear & hangs at 83 degrees. Maya is still swimming like a fool, jumping off the rocks & everything. She's got a couple weeks of school left, then she'll officially be a first grader...!!!!!!
Miss Lola is getting so big. She's 4 1/2 mos old & starting to go from fragile baby to sturdy infant. We tried rice cereal a couple days ago, sitting in the Bumbo seat like a big girl. It was a race to get the spoon in her open mouth before she plunged her thumb in there. She's starting to get the hang of it & really making progress. She also gave the Jumperoo a whirl, she hasn't quite got the jumping down yet, but she maneuvers from foot to foot, like she's marching & is figuring out the toys. She's totally digging being upright & part of the crowd.

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