Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The end of May 08!

Alright, I haven't posted in A LONG time, as I've been told through harassing emails!!! There's been so much going on, so I'm going to do a 2 1/2 month update.. by month. So bear with me!!

The end of May was a fun time. Maya completed Kindergarten & did better than we could hope for. She's almost reading at a second grade level!! She had her first recital, which was very exciting, she really had fun. Her swimming is only improving & if it was up to her, we'd be in the pool all day long

Miss Lola is getting her own little personality & enjoys her jumperoo the most, for sure. She's kinda hard to get a smile out of, but when you do, it's pretty super. Right after Mother's Day, she lost all the hair on the top of her head, due to a raging case of cradle cap!!! She was left with a very sassy Dr. Phil ring of hair, but she still was cute to us! We started trying cereal, fruits & veggies..... some went over better than others, as you will see in the pix.

Cody & I decided to close both stores & be done with self employment once & for all! The economy reared it's evil head in our direction & we took heed. While it really, really sucks, we have no regrets that we tried. Everything happens for a reason... hell, Cody never would have met the Mama Fu's Crew if we didn't have that Southpark Store & his new role of Director of Operations is the position he was meant to have. Also, on the plus side, I get to stay home with Lola, as well as continue to pick Maya up at school & keep her in line. We are still in love with Austin & know that we made the right decision to move here so we can provide a better life for the girls.... the smoothie thing was something we decided to go with after we chose Austin, so no hard feelings there. We just need the rest of the family to get here so we can all be hot together!

Miss Maya after her recital. She received beautiful flower from Mommy & Daddy, Mimi & Paw Paw & PaPa. They were lovely on the dining room table for the next 2 days.

The girls in front of the house.

Daddy's newest girl, with her fresh bald look! She is all about that hammock, but she comes by that honestly!!

This is an absolute classic....
I don't think she liked the carrots!

We can cancel that paternity test as Cody Jr, here,
can attest to who her Daddy is!!

Cutie, diggin the saucer in the backyard. Lola loves being outside.

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