Tuesday, August 12, 2008

July (Hotter than Hell) '08

Hurray Gang.... after this post, I will officially be caught up!!!!!!!!!!!! With that being said... scroll down til you get til May, then work your way back up in order to catch up chronologically.

July has been hot... over 100 every day. So we swim ALOT! It just seems that I keep forgetting to bring my camera outside. I'll concentrate on that this weekend & try to catch some new video of Maya jumping off the waterfall & diving to the bottom of the pool. Quite a 180 from a few short months ago. We've been keeping sort of a low profile this summer, hanging out at home & in the neighborhood. Between the heat & the price of gas, we've decided to make use of our "in house" amenities. So lots of pool time, art projects, Barbie playing & reading, reading, reading. Maya has read 12 chapter books this summer & we've got the next series lined up for the fall. She likes to read the pages, then say them again with added drama... I've got to get her on stage!! Maya also attended a week long cheer camp, which she loved, they did a little performance at the end of the week & she nailed her moves. Unfortunately, the video came out crappy, but I'm gonna work on it & see if I can get one uploaded. It was a fun opportunity for her & they offer it at the high school every year, so that's something she can count on!

Lola is finally sitting up on her own!!! Next up is rolling & crawling, but I am in no rush..... I like being able to put her down & have her stay in the same spot. It seems that we spend the first years teaching them to walk & talk, then the next 16 telling them to sit down & shut up.... so no hurry around these parts, we just want to enjoy our baby. Her hair is filling in nicely, actually pretty impressively considering how her head was as smooth as her coolie the end of May. She's finally giving out more smiles & giggles, much to our relief. She thinks Maya is hysterical. Her grabbing instinct has kicked in, so nothing is sacred - noses, eyeballs, hair - cocktails! I've had to hone my reflexes to save my goods.

A rough 4th of July for Cody Jr.

Lola, stylin in her hat.

Maya at cheer camp. Go Green Turtles!

Lola loves that jumperoo... & of course her big sister.

Here's our girl finally sitting up on her own!

For some reason after her nap, when I was trying to get a decent photo shoot,
she wasn't as smiley.

Love my Girls!!

Thanks for looking, y'all. School starts in 2 weeks, so look for those pix of our BIG girl going to 1st grade. Holy Crap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I was thinking of you guys, googled your name and got this awesome blog. No need to contact me, looks like I'm all caught up! :-) J/K I'd love to catch up! Looks like you're out of Kevaland too? Details! Your girls are gorgeous!! I have a 7 month old too - Gabriella. Email me. rastamon7269@msn.com Love ALWAYS!!!! Nancy Abeyta