Wednesday, August 6, 2008

June 08

Well June started off with a bang. Maya got out of School on the 3rd, I think & we took a little time to decompress. We went to the Texas History Museum, Nick & Maya had a good time looking at all the old guns, heads & other history "junk". They actually knew a lot of stuff from their Texas month in school. It was pretty cool, to be honest. Cody asked me why I didn't know all that info, didn't I learn about it in school? Which I quickly asked him if he learned about California history while he was in school... point taken!

The night before Father's Day, Maya & Cody had a camp out in the backyard. They made s'mores & slept in a tent. Maya says she is ready for the great outdoors.

In the middle of June we took a trip to San Diego for Nico's first birthday party & to hang out for a couple weeks with the fam. It was nice & relaxing & we pretty much did nothing & we wouldn't have had it any other way!!

The girls are always so happy to see each other... well, Maya & Sammi, anyway. Lola was just happy to be free, I think. We had one of those flight days from hell, getting bumped, lay overs & all that crap. We got there in one piece & with very little fuss, so I can't complain.

Here's Lola (almost 6 mos), chillin on the floor, not quite sitting, yet, but she really doesn't care! Nico was diggin his bath in Auntie Crissy's sink, just a cup & a spoon for entertainment!

We also went to the San Diego County Fair to see Sammi dance for her recital, she did great. Stood front & center & shook her coolie like a pro! Maya apparently shed her super cautious persona (passed it on to Sam, I think) & rode the rides with Auntie Lisa, Uncle Ryan & even went by herself!!! We're almost ready for Six Flags!

Here's Lola & Baby Vito... I mean Nico!

This is how they roll!!

Our resident broken beaver... Auntie Crissy & Sammi bummin a ride!! Also Uncle Ryan, spinning Maya, she just wanted to go faster, she was laughing so hard, it cracked us all up! Auntie Lisa took her on the pirate ship & every time they hit the top, Maya yelled "AAAAARRRR!!" Killin me!

Here's Miss Samma Lamma on stage, hammin it up, big time! Maya couldn't wait to give her a big hug.

Nonni & Pappi with 2 of their girls!

So, that was June in a nutshell. Thanks to the Sullivans for letting us intrude. We all had a great time. On to July!!!

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